So, in some ways the inevitable has happened. The bid for upgrading the Penzance - St. Mary's link has been rejected - continuing claims from the powers that be that the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company need to find a more viable, cost effective way of transporting passengers and goods to the islands. Yes, this is a blow, but the people I feel sorry for are the people that are trying their hardest to literally force change into Cornwall.
For them this has been a flagship campaign; a campaign which has got media attention and the clear recognition from people that something really does have to change. The limitations caused by the ignorance and short sightedness of those in charge in Cornwall is plain for all to see - there is no way that the provisions given on the quay for the Scilly's link from Penzance are in any way adequate and the fiasco over Battery Rocks have left many bemused tourists. For them, it is inconceivable that development has been halted by such trivial matters, and working the Isles of Scilly Steamship Comany I sometimes feel that I cannot necessarily give people the service that they expect and deserve - the facilities literally are not there. There is absolutely no way of solving this short term, but I feel that people need to be given something in return for paying for the most expensive passenger per mile journey in the world.