I know it's been a little quiet here and this flying lesson was a long time ago - the end of April in fact - but I thought I had to blog about it seeing as it fulfilled a bit of a lifelong dream for me....as well as being very cool and an amazing experience.

Cue standard 'first time flying' picture. In fact, I say flying, but as Alex Wade correctly points out in his blog Surf Nation about his trial flying experience - it's a actually really a case of driving. It's a very systematic experience, and without the terminology controlling the aircraft boils down to a 'steering wheel' and a 'speedo.' In fact, sometimes it feels a little bit like this. Being a bit of an aviation geek (ok, a proper aviation geek) I knew my FPM from my QNH, and it was a very self satisfying feeling to have an understanding of the aircraft and actually see some of the instruments and dials for real. Like they say, pilots are very techy people anyway but regardless of this the sensation of actually flying the plane was second to none.
The guys down at MSH Flight Training do an excellent job at Land's End. Glen, my instructor, also did an excellent job in ensuring I felt like I had control and was doing as much of the flying as I could for as long as possible. The taxi, takeoff and a lot of the turns were all Pilot in Command for me...and although I was happy he took over when it came to the landing, I didn't for once feel like he had cheated me out of actual flight time for myself. The fact I had probably chosen the best day of the year so far had added benefit for me...the wind was calm and the sky almost cloudless - a really wonderful view and an thrilling experience.
I would really recommend Land's End Airport even if you have a passing interest in aviation. Some of the types are pretty unique and the small scale operation brings in the Isles of Scilly Skybus flights with amazing regularity. (I happen to work for them in their booking office - so shamless plug there!) Everything for private pistons to the Turboprop DHC6 Otters and there and it can get excting during summer months. MSH Flight School are reasonably priced and offer some the best views money can buy of this amazing county. Certainly, the best place in the UK to learn how to fly!

Cue standard 'first time flying' picture. In fact, I say flying, but as Alex Wade correctly points out in his blog Surf Nation about his trial flying experience - it's a actually really a case of driving. It's a very systematic experience, and without the terminology controlling the aircraft boils down to a 'steering wheel' and a 'speedo.' In fact, sometimes it feels a little bit like this. Being a bit of an aviation geek (ok, a proper aviation geek) I knew my FPM from my QNH, and it was a very self satisfying feeling to have an understanding of the aircraft and actually see some of the instruments and dials for real. Like they say, pilots are very techy people anyway but regardless of this the sensation of actually flying the plane was second to none.
The guys down at MSH Flight Training do an excellent job at Land's End. Glen, my instructor, also did an excellent job in ensuring I felt like I had control and was doing as much of the flying as I could for as long as possible. The taxi, takeoff and a lot of the turns were all Pilot in Command for me...and although I was happy he took over when it came to the landing, I didn't for once feel like he had cheated me out of actual flight time for myself. The fact I had probably chosen the best day of the year so far had added benefit for me...the wind was calm and the sky almost cloudless - a really wonderful view and an thrilling experience.
I would really recommend Land's End Airport even if you have a passing interest in aviation. Some of the types are pretty unique and the small scale operation brings in the Isles of Scilly Skybus flights with amazing regularity. (I happen to work for them in their booking office - so shamless plug there!) Everything for private pistons to the Turboprop DHC6 Otters and there and it can get excting during summer months. MSH Flight School are reasonably priced and offer some the best views money can buy of this amazing county. Certainly, the best place in the UK to learn how to fly!

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